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Öğe Determining Supply Chain Strategies By Swot Analysis: A Case Study(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Aksoy, SongülA strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or general purpose. It is a military term, and its origin goes back to Sun Tzu. Its use in the modern sense coincides with the 1980s. In the increasingly competitive environment in recent years, businesses need to make a difference in the market, increase their profitability, closely follow technological developments, etc. They attach importance to developing their strategies in the corporate sense and in the field of business management strategies. However, it has been determined that enterprises cannot develop in the field of supply chain management strategies, which is one of their functional strategies, especially in the researches. Determining supply chain strategies will enable them to compete in the market, especially in terms of reducing costs, increasing customer experience, adopting innovative approaches or quality. Businesses may choose to compete in only one of these factors, or they may adopt several factors. In this study, a supply chain strategy determination study was carried out in a company that has a very important position in the wood-based panel industry sector and has adopted supply chain management, but where no strategic decisions or projects have been created. SWOT analysis was used in terms of company and supply chain process. Ten (10) supply chain strategies were determined.Öğe Customer Experience Management In Pharmaceutical Sector: An Interview Study(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Aksoy, SongülThe word of customer and its meaning has been evaluated to todays meaning since 1920s. In the begining the word of customer is used for who buys and pays for the products. Recently this meaning has changed into the service taker for whose personal and institutional needs are afforded by companies or personal. Customer experience management is important to stay alive and competitive in any sector. Addiotinally in supply chains also customer experience management is great opportunity to win a piece in the sectorial pie. The pharmaceutical industry as being the 3rd greatest sector in the world, manufactures synthetic, herbal, animal and biological chemicals used for therapeutic, protective, and diagnostic purposes in human and veterinary medicine in accordance with pharmaceutical technology. The pharmaceutical industry has also particular importance with his value-added position and is critical with his capacity in production and trade volume in the world. In the globalizing world, the pharmaceutical sector has entered into rapid growth process in recent years, with the effect of both demographic changes and increases in life expectancy and increased access to health services. The logistics & transportations of pharmaceutical sector is very important and needs OTIF (on time in full delivery performance) results on high level which means that cost reduction in the meantime is very important for efficency. In this study an interview has been done with Özge Karataş(MSc) who is Business Intelligence and Customer Relations Senior Manager in pharmecuetical sector and has won a number awards in mentioned area and Olga Potaptseva who is in top 20 CX professional in the world. The questions of the interview and their experience in the sector will help us to understand importance customer relationship & expreince management in pharmecuetical sectorÖğe Best-Worst Method İle Yerel Yönetimlerde Liderlik Tarzının Belirlenmesi: Bir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Örneği(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Bıçak, Savaş; Gül, SaitYerel yönetimlerde yöneticilerin sergilemiş olduğu liderlik tarzı başarılarını ve halka sundukları hizmetin kalitesini etkilemektedir. Yöneticiler başında bulunduğu birim ya da kurumlarda gösterdikleri liderlik becerisi ile kalıcı izler bırakabilmekte ve kendisinden sonra gelen yönetimlerce liderlik anlayışları örnek alınabilmektedir. Yerel yönetimlerde çalışan astların görüş ve düşünceleri dikkate alınmadan alt, orta ve üst düzey yöneticiler tepeden inme bir şekilde atandığında, sadece kendilerini tepe yönetime karşı sorumlu hissedebilmekte olup halka ve astlarına karşı duyarsız ve ilgisiz davranışlar sergilemeleri söz konusu olabilmektedir. Ayrıca sunulan hizmetin kalitesinin düşmesi, hizmete kolay erişilememesi gibi olumsuzluklar ortaya çıkarak halkın belediye yönetimine karşı memnuniyetsizliğine sebep olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle yerel yönetimlerde düzeyi ne olursa olsun öncelikle mevcut sergilenen liderlik tarzının belirlenmesi, sonrasında ise gerekiyorsa yöneticilere liderlik eğitimi verilmesi önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada literatürdeki yerel yönetimlerde uygulanan liderlik tarzları belirlenmiş ve daha sonra örnek seçilen bir büyükşehir belediyesi için Çok Kriterli Karar Verme yöntemlerinden En İyi – En Kötü Yöntemi ile algılanan (mevcut) liderlik tarzı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Sonuçlar değerlendirilerek çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir.Öğe Şimdi Al Sonra Öde Kredi Sistemi Üzerine Bir Davranış Ve Skorlama Analizi(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Sandıkcı, Zeynep Nur; Şaykol, EdizFinansal teknolojilerin, 4. Endüstri devriminin tetiklemesiyle hızlı gelişimi, tüketicilerin harcama davranışlarında değişikliklere neden olmuştur. Bu değişime uygun olarak, Şimdi al sonra öde (BNPL) sistemi değişen müşteri ihtiyaçları sonrası ortaya çıkan yeni bir ödeme sistemi teknolojisidir. BNPL nakit borç vermeye değil, ürün ya da hizmet almaya yönelik bir yöntemdir. E-ticaret sitesinde ya da fiziki mağazada beğenilen ürün ya da hizmetin ödemesini uygun kişilere hızlıca sağlamak esastır. Örneğin bir tatil paketi alımında tur şirketleri BNPL yöntemi ile tüketiciye kredi kartı limitinden düşmeden ya da kredi kullandırmadan ödeme yapma olanağı sağlayabilmektedir. Ürün sahibi işletme BNPL kredisini bankalar aracılığı ile ve yapacağı ikili anlaşmalar doğrultusunda sağlamaktadır. Müşteri ise anlaşmalı bankaların sistemlerinden firma ismi ve ürün kategorisi belirterek BNPL kredi talebinde bulunmaktadır. Eş zamanlı olarak ilgili banka da müşterinin BNPL kredisi için uygun olup olmadığını belirlemek için güvenilirlik skorlaması yapmaktadır ve yüksek skoru olan müşteriye BNPL kullandırtmaktadır. Klasik krediden ayrılan en önemli noktalardan biri hedef müşteri kitlesidir. Klasik kredi skorlamalarında kişinin güvenilirliği belirlenirken kişinin bordrosu, daha önceki kredi/kredi kartı ödemelerindeki düzen, ipotek edebileceği mülkler ve benzeri şeyler dikkate alınır. Bu nedenle bordrolu olarak çalışmayan, hiçbir finansal kuruluşla daha önce etkileşimi olmayan, kredi puanlaması oluşmamış ya da düşük olan kullanıcıların kredi ya da kredi kartı erişimi kısıtlı olmaktadır. Bu kişilere harcamaya bağlı olarak kısa vadeli borç verme olarak görülebilecek kredi olanağı sağlanmaktadır. Hedef müşteri kitlesi arasında farklılıklar olduğu için klasik kredi skorlamaları BNPL’ye başvuran müşterilerin güvenilirlik açısından skorlamasında yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu nedenle BNPL sisteminin en önemli gereksinimi tüketicilerin güvenilirlik skorlamasının yapılmasıdır. Mevcut durumda BNPL alanında yapılmış çalışmalar kısıtlı olup, BNPL odaklı yeterli bir skorlama sistemi bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, finansal teknolojilerin önemli bir alanı olan ödeme sistemleri kapsamında, BNPL sistemi üzerine, mevcut durum analizi, fırsatlar ve zorluklar ile skorlama ihtiyacı üzerine sistematik bir yaklaşım sunulmaktadır.Öğe Bir Osb İçerisinde, Örnek Bir 'Üniversite Sanayi İş Birliği' Modeli: Doğuş Üniversitesi & Dudullu Osb(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Baykara, Tarık; Özaydın, Özay; Onan, Kıvanç; Kumru, Mesut; Ünal, Targan; Özkan, Turgut; Çelik, Alkan1990’lı yılların başından itibaren, “Üniversite-Sanayi İş Birliği” başlığı altında gelişen tartışmalar halen daha sürmekte olup, günümüzün en zorlu ve kompleks sorunlarından birisidir. Akademik çalışmaların aşırı “teorik” ve “kitabi” bulunması; buna karşın, endüstrinin Ar-Ge taleplerinin ise yetersiz ve gerekli destekten yoksun bulunması şeklinde, karşılıklı eleştiriler sürekli gündeme getirilmektedir. 1990’lı yılların ikinci yarısından itibaren yeniden yapılandırılan sanayi teşvik ve destek kuralları, fikri mülkiyet haklarının giderek önem kazanması, sanayi araştırma-geliştirmelerinin yükselen önemi, kanunlaştırılan teknopark ve teknoloji geliştirme bölgelerinin kurulmalarında üniversite ortaklığının koşul olarak konulması ve AB araştırma fonları ve son dönemde kurulan sanayii ArGe ve Tasarım Merkezleri ile belirli bir aşamaya ulaşmış görünmektedir. İstanbul’un en önde gelen OSB’lerinden olan Dudullu Organize Sanayi Bölgesinin merkezine taşınan Doğuş Üniversitesi, örnek bir “üniversite-sanayi iş birliği” modeli ile yoğun etkinlikler/etkileşimler gerçekleştirmektedir. “Üniversite-Sanayi İş birliği (ÜSİ)” kavramının, karşılıklı olarak tarafı olan sanayi ve akademinin beklentilerinden yola çıkılarak, sanayi ihtiyaç ve gereksinimlerine yanıt verebilecek derinlik ve nitelikte, ders ve genel müfredatın düzenlenmesi; İnsan gücü eğitimi kapsamında teknik ve pratik bilgi ve beceriyle donatılmış, nitelikli personelin yetiştirilmesi ve sanayi gereksinimlerine hızla intibak olabilmesi; Üniversitenin bilimsel ve teknolojik birikiminin, doğrudan sanayi ihtiyaç ve taleplerine yanıt verebilecek, sorun çözücü ve kolaylaştırıcı olması zarureti; Sanayinin akademiden talepleri doğrultusunda, eşit ortaklık anlayışı ile erişilebilir hedefler ve gerçekçilikte, özellikle fonlama ve destek konusunda daha açık ve esnek olunabilmesi kapsamlarında yoğunlaşan bir işbirliği modeli ortaya konulmuştur.Öğe A MCDM Model Proposal and Solution for Evaluating Agile Methods Used in Supply Chain Management(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Yücenur, G. Nilay; Çalışkan, Sena; İrten, Özge; Şahin, İlkerIn the developing and changing world, the field of technology hosts many innovations. Supply chain management has also evolved in the light of technological developments and incorporated the concept of agility. Agile supply chain is the ability to respond quickly to unexpected changes in demand and supply. As supply chains compete in a rapidly changing and growing market, the agility of the supply chain provides a significant competitive advantage to firms. An agile supply chain has the ability to respond flexibly and quickly to demands and problems. It benefits companies by adopting the right product, the right customer, the right transportation, and the right supply system. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the agile methods used in the supply chain management processes, and for this purpose, a multi-criteria model consisting of 12 criteria and 9 alternatives was proposed. This proposed model was solved with two-stage multi-criteria solution techniques, and in the first stage of the solution, criterion weights were calculated with the SWARA method, while the evaluation and ranking of alternative agile methods were carried out with the WASPAS method. The application results are presented in the study, so that the most appropriate agile method methodology to be used in supply chain management was determined.Öğe An Exact Solution for Real-Life Transshipment Path Problem(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Hafızoğlu Gökdağ, Zehra; Cebeci, SalihIn industrial engineering, transportation planning, vehicle routing problem, warehousing, inventory management, and customer service are logistics problems. Graph theory algorithms provide solutions to logistics problems such as the shortest path, minimum spanning tree, and vehicle routing problems. In a logistics company system with branches and transfer centers to which the branches are affiliated, if the sorting process is carried out in the transfer centers, the deliveries collected from the branches must be transported to a transfer center. Thus, there are situations where delivery is transferred in the sending branch, the sending transfer center, the receiving transfer center, and the receiving branch, respectively. In this flow, transferring with a single transfer center without visiting two transfer centers reduces the total cost. While moving from the sender transfer center to the receiver transfer center, stopping by some branches on the way allows us to complete the transfer process with a single transfer center and eliminates the necessity of leaving the vehicle from the receiver transfer center to these branches again. Thus, the number of vehicles that need to go from the receiver transfer center to the branches is reduced. The mentioned logistics structure is defined as a graph that is considered a network design problem. Given the sender transfer center S, the receiver transfer center T, the set of branches A connected to S, and the set of branches C that are not connected to S or T, a counting algorithm that gives the minimum value route among all combinations are designed in order to find the optimal route from the source node s ∈ A∪{S}, to the target node t=T. The algorithm has been implemented in Python and Gams and tested by the different number of elements of the set A and the set C.Öğe Parcel Locker Applications in Turkey(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Akdoğan, Kutay; Özceylan, ErenAlternative delivery applications are gaining popularity today, and parcel lockers are differentiated from others as they offer different delivery location options to customers. One of the biggest problems faced by courier companies today is that customers are not always available at the place of delivery during delivery. This leads to an increase in failed deliveries that place an extra burden on last mile operations, not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of environmental concerns. One of the effective methods to deal with this problem is parcel lockers. Parcel lockers and related concepts are currently used in various countries worldwide, and in some countries, their installation and use are supported by the government. Parcel lockers not only help logistics companies navigate their operations and costs, but also give the customer the power of choice. Therefore, it is considered necessary to investigate the parcel locker applications in Turkey. This paper intends to present the current state of parcel lockers in Turkey, the companies providing the service, their profiles, and their plans to provide beneficial knowledge to academia and industry.Öğe Possibilities and Limits of Digitalization to Increase Supply Chain Resilience(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Weber, Marc Andre; Aumüller, Ulrike; Franke, PeterIn case any unexpected circumstances occur, a supply chain may be heavily influenced with a wide range of negative consequences such as inability to deliver or large delays in delivery. Therefore, it is important for every supply chain and the companies that are involved in them to reduce these negative outcomes. In this context, the term Supply Chain Resilience (SCR) stands for the level of adaptability of a supply chain to respond to and recover from disruptions. A high SCR is given if re-maintaining operational continuity is quickly possible. As an example of unexpected disruptions, the COVID19-crisis showed major impacts on the functionality of global supply chains. The upcoming technologies of industrial Digitalization, mainly known as Industry 4.0, provide opportunities to increase SCR. In this paper, first a brief overview of different surveys is given to show the COVID19-impact on global supply chains and therefore prove the need to generally increase SCR. Second, an insight of how especially Digitalization may help to increase SCR is provided. Especially improving the data base for all supply chain partners, faster and more precise decision-making processes, including the use of Artificial Intelligence, are described. Finally, positive chances and major challenges of using Digitalization to increase SCR are addressed.Öğe The Effect of Using Nearshoring Strategy on CO2 Emissions for Sustainability in Global Textile Supply Logistics(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Sarıoğlu, D. ÖzgünThe new world order, in which company interests do not conflict with social interests, and social and environmental issues become the responsibility of companies, has revealed the concept of sustainability. In this context, according to the statements of the European Parliament, sustainability is also important for the textile sector, which is one of the most environmentally harmful sectors according to the amount of production and waste. On the other hand, the textile industry has a complex supply chain in which many distant chain members try to act together under globalization and cost constraints. This situation makes the sustainability studies of the textile sector difficult. However, businesses that create a sustainable supply chain structure and continuously improve this structure are expected to create a competitive advantage. In this study, the nearshore supplier strategy is adopted to improve environmental sustainability. Therefore, old inbound transpostation has calculated to understand reduction of CO2 emissions. Used calculation methods are placed in EN 16258. With this new sustainable idea, the textile company used %30 nearshore suppliers are called FM (Full Merchandised) at first two years. The reduction of CO2 emissons rate for inbound transportation became 669 t CO2 e at the end of 2022. The total emission reduction during the next 10-years period is 20122 tons CO2 e for transportation. It is obvious that this research will be a sustainability study that will create value in terms of the inbound supply process.Öğe Identifying and Analyzing the Risk Factors of Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Textile Sector(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Yontar, Emel; Zengin, ŞölenSustainable supply chain management is a management process that combines economic, social and environmental contribution and foresees making certain decisions and planning at every stage of the supply chain line. With the understanding of sustainable management style, companies keep environmental traceability in the foreground, provide necessary regulations, take important steps in social environment cooperation and achieve economic efficiency while doing all these. In addition to the economic investments required to make their supply chains more effective with a developing sustainability understanding, companies should also consider the risks that environmental and social factors may bring, taking into account the level of uncertainty in the future and their decisions. While the risk factor is accepted as the uncertainty associated with the occurrence of any event; on the other hand, risk management is strategically important in the planning of contingencies. Risk management in the supply chain is effective in identifying and analyzing risk factors in the economic and production cycle and in producing proactive solutions against risks. With the effect of the rapidly increasing population of the world, there is a significant increase in textile consumption. In this study, for risk assessment in sustainable supply chain management for the textile sector; covered under the main headings of supply, production, distribution, customer, reverse logistics and within the framework of economic, social and environmental subheadings. Potential risks are determined by reviewing the literature and taking opinions from textile sector employees. As a result of the study, it is aimed to develop a comprehensive framework for Sustainable Supply Chain Risk Management (SSCRM). Important strategies such as the ability to transform textile wastes into the raw materials of value-added products with appropriate technologies, which are included in the sustainability of textiles, are presented.Öğe A Study on Critical Factors of Digitalization in Reverse Logistics(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2023) Özkan-Özen, Yeşim Deniz; Yavaş, VolkanReverse logistics or closed loop supply chains play a critical role in todays’ business environment in order to achieve sustainable practices that include environmentally, socially and economic considerations. Reverse logistics covers the collection of end-of-life phased products from end users, and continue with recovery processes i.e. reuse, remanufacturing, recycling, refurbishment, and disposal. These activities have significant impacts on environmental and social issues as well as economic conditions of the company. Therefore, closed loop structures become essential for organizations, and reverse logistics becomes an indisputable element of the supply chains. Rapid digitalization in industry, so called Industry 4.0 or digital era, can be seen as a great opportunity to support and improve reverse logistics operations to contribute sustainability. Although, the relationship between sustainable practices and digital operations received the attention of both practitioners and academicians, the current literature lacks in providing factors that directly covers digitalization implementations in reverse logistics activities. From this point of view, this study, firstly, aims to propose critical factors for digitalization in reverse logistics, and secondly evaluate them to make a prioritization for practical implementations. To achieve these aims, initially a literature review will be conducted to propose critical factors that are supported by the literature. Secondly, Fuzzy-Entropy Weighting Method is going to be used to prioritize these factors and to reveal the most important concepts. At the end of the study, it is expected to contribute the literature by providing new concepts and suggesting future research ideas based on the results.Öğe Performance Analysis Applications of Some Image Encryption Techniques(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2022) Tiken, Cihan; Şamlı, RüyaData security is now the most vital and most important issue of governments, companies and individuals in the technology age we live in. Among the data types, images have a special importance because of the important information they contain. Transferring or storing images requires extra security measures. In this study, the performances of the image encryption methods were compared with each other by applying them to the most popular and most used images in the image processing area. Four different experiments were carried out. Performance of the seven particular encryption methods compared to each other and the obsevations and measurements was presented.Öğe 2-6 Yaş Grubu Çocuğun Konuttaki Oyun ve Mekân Tercihi(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2022) Temur, Beyza; Baltacı, Merve Gizem; Yalçınkaya, ŞengülÇocuğun hayatı algılamaya başladığı ilk andan itibaren çevresindeki tüm koşullar gelişim sürecine etki eder. Özellikle çocuğun fizyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyolojik olarak çok yönlü olarak gelişimini destekleyen ve çocukluk döneminde karşılaşılan ilk mekân olan konut, yoğun ve etkin kullanılması nedeni ile ayrı bir öneme sahiptir. Çalışmada, 2-6 yaş dönemindeki çocukların konutu oyun için nasıl kullandığının ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için çocukların oyun türleri ile ilgili mekân tercihleri araştırılmıştır. Kapsam çocuğun konutu genel kullanımının yanında, konuttaki mekânlarının oyun türüne ile ilişkili kullanımı ve oyuna bağlı konutun yeterliliği çerçevesinde belirlenmiştir. 2-6 yaş arası çocuk sahibi olan ve Trabzon ilinde yaşayan 94 ebeveyne uygulanan anket ile veri toplanmıştır. SPSS programı ile verilerin genel yüzde dağılımları için frekans analizi ve karşılaştırmalar için ki-kare testi kullanılmıştır. Çocuğun evin her mekânını farklı oyun türleri için kullandığı fakat özel odaya sahip olanların öz gelişimleri için daha kaliteli faaliyetlerde bulunabildikleri, konuttaki oyun tercihini cinsiyet, yaş, özel oda varlığı, oda kullanım süresi ve biçiminin etkilediği, konutun oyun için yeterliliğinde oda sayısı ve gürültü konusunun ön plana çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak konuttun tasarımında, kullanıcısı olan çocuğun gereksinimleri ve beklentileri öncelikli belirleyiciler arasında yer almalıdır.Öğe Effective Solutions for Common Problems of Artificial Potential Field Based Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2022) Akarsu, Muhammet Emre; Çetin, ÖmerAutonomous Path Planning (APP) capability is one of the main factors determining the autonomous level of a mobile robot. Although different methods are used for APP in the literature, the path planning approach based on Artificial Potential Fields (APF) has a very common usage area with its modeling ease and computational performance. APF-based APP, which is a grid-based path planning approach, is usually performed by combining a repulsive and attractive component that models many basic motions with a certain equation and calculating the gradient of this potential field to obtain the vector field. In this study, the basic models used for APF-based APP are examined, and how they are realized and how the resultant potential field is produced are mentioned. Although APF-based APP approaches have advantages, they also have problems such as local minimum, obstacles positioned too close, oscillation, and targets positioned too close to obstacles. Within the scope of the study, these problems were defined one by one and the approaches suggested in the literature for the solution of these problems were mentioned in detail. As a result, it has been seen that to obtain an effective APF-based APP solution, it is necessary to generate a convolutional vector field, limit the fundamental potential fields with exponential functions, use virtual potential fields and perform models with harmonic functions.Öğe The Perception of Personal Space and Crowding During Covid-19: An Example of Grocery Shopping(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2022)Covid-19 has reshaped the daily lives of people all around the world. Many regulations and changes have been made by the authorities in order to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus. Significantly, the regulations made by the government aim to reduce the number of people per square meter in closed areas and to increase the social distance between people. These regulations bring along new personal space and crowding perceptions. In this context, people's behaviors in many public spaces, from public transportation to grocery shopping, have gained a new texture. This change not only affected the perspective of the place but also caused a shift in the perspective of people for one another. In this paper, environmental regulations aiming to adapt people's behaviors to social distance due to Covid-19 are examined in terms of personal space and crowding concepts. The purpose is to conduct an online interview with a retrospective approach and present the data as a narrative to determine the participants' perceptions of the random sampling method about personal space and crowding concepts before and after the pandemic. The research data were analyzed using the content analysis method in the QRS Nvivo qualitative data analysis program. In the results of the study, it was revealed through the example of grocery shopping that people's need for personal space in closed areas increased, and the crowding perception differed from the pre-pandemic period due to psychological reasons.Öğe Mühendislik Öğrencilerinde Covid-19 Pandemisinin Ergonomik Koşullar ve Bel Ağrısı Üzerine Etkisi(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2022) Berkmen, Sabahattin Mert; Özalp, Yunus CanErgonomi, insanların kullanımı için verimli ve güvenli bir şekilde etkileşime girecek ve verimliliği artıracak şekilde şeyleri tasarlamak ve düzenlemek için kullanılan uygulamalı bir bilimdir. Çalışmamız, kesitsel türde olup evrenini Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi öğrencilerinden 85 Endüstri Mühendisliği öğrencisi ve 66 Makine Mühendisliği öğrencisi olarak toplam 151 kişi oluşturmuş ve veriler online olarak toplanıp analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, ergonominin temel ve bilimsel ilkelerini mühendislik fakültelerinde COVID-19 pandemisinin ergonomik koşullar ve buna bağlı gelişen sonuçlar üzerine olan etkisi incelenmiş olup pandemi öncesi ve sonrası olarak mukayese edilmiştir. Çalışmamızda, katılımcıların %50’sinden fazlası Endüstri Mühendisliği öğrencisi olan, 18-22, yaş aralığında, genel akademik not ortalaması (GANO) 2.1-2.9 olan, masa başında 5 saatten fazla vakit geçiren, sigara kullanmayan, pandemi öncesi D vitamini takviyesi almayan, düzenli egzersiz ve spor alışkanlığı olmayan, herhangi bir bel ağrısı şikâyeti olmayan ve ergonomik koşullara kısmen de olsa önem gösteren profildedir. Pandemi sonrasında da yine katılımcıların %50’sinden fazlasında pandemi öncesi gösterilen profil devamlılık gösterip D vitamini takviyesi alımı, bel ağrısı şikâyetleri, ergonomik koşullara gösterdikleri özen ve kilo alımları artarken düzenli egzersiz-spor alışkanlıkları ise azalmıştır.Öğe Türkiye’de İlk ve Tek, ‘Virüs-Free Kampüs’: Doğuş Üniversitesi Ataşehir Dudullu Yerleşkesi(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2022) Baykara, TarıkHalen daha yoğun bir biçimde ve yeni varyantlarıyla Covid-19 salgını sürmektedir. Ne zaman sonuçlanacağına dair kesin bir zamanlama da verilememektedir. Sürekli tekrarlanan korunma ve tedbirler kapsamındaki yöntemlerin (maske, mesafe ve temizlik) yanı sıra UVC ışınlarının virüslere karşın etkin bir dezenfektan olduğu bilinmektedir. UVC sistemlerinden oluşmuş ışıma donanımlarının Covid-19 virüsüne karşı etkin bir önlem olabileceği değerlendirilmiş ve Doğuş Üniversitesi yeni taşındığı Ataşehir-Dudullu Kampüsünün (HVAC) havalandırma sistemi içerisine ve yeni kampüsün farklı mekanlarına 254 nm’de ışıma yapan UVC donanımları monte edilmiştir. Böylelikle, Doğuş Üniversitesi ülkemizin ilk ve tek “Virüs-Free Kampüsü” olma özelliğini kazanmıştır. 254 nm’de UVC ışıma işlevi ile bakteri, virus, mantar, spor ve benzeri mikroorganizmaların etkisiz hale getirilme mekanizması incelenmiş ve bu yöntemin Covid-19 için de etkin bir biçimde kullanılabileceği değerlendirilmiştir. Ardından, yeni kampüsün havalandırma sistemleri incelenmiş, uygun kısımları etüd edilmiş ve buralara etkin dezenfektan ve sterilizasyon işlevselliği olan HVAC TİPİ UVC donanımları monte edilerek tüm öğrenciler ve çalışanlarımız için önemli düzeyde ve güvenlikte bir koruma sağlanmıştır. Uygulamanın ilk 3 aylık verileri ele alınmış ve bu süreçte monte edilen donanımların etkinliği gösterilmiştir. Özellikle çalışanlar ve akademik personel arasındaki vaka/giriş yüzdeleri son derece düşüktür. Haftalık olarak son derece yüksek sayıda bir araya gelen böylesi bir kalabalık ortamda (haftalık 14000-25000 kişi), özellikle öğrenciler arasındaki pozitif vaka sayısının düşük olduğu görülmektedir.Öğe Comparison of Thermal Energy Storage with Phase Change Materials in Photovoltaic Panels and PV/T Systems(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2022) Şen, Ecem; Çeliktaş, Melih SonerSolar energy has advantages such as accessibility, applicability, and predictability compared to other renewable energy sources. This energy source is used for many purposes in the world. Photovoltaic panels provide applications such as generating electricity from solar energy or heating and cooling. Their performance changes depending on the PV panel material, the amount of solar radiation, and the operating temperature factors. In the electrical energy conversion of PV systems, overheating of the PV module leads to a decrease in power generation and causes a decrease in efficiency. Therefore, there are cooling methods, divided into two categories as passive and active for cooling of PV panels. In this study, the properties of the phase change material (PCM) used in the cooling of PV panels are given. Furthermore, experimental and numerical studies of PCM in PV cooling and PV/T systems are reviewed in order to improve PV panel efficiency. PCM is reported to reduce the temperature of PV panels and increase the efficiency and power output data obtained.Öğe Experimental Tests on Heat Transfer in Coil Condensers Designed for Built-in Refrigerators(Beykent Üniversitesi, 2022) Tezcan, Alper; Cihan, Ahmet; Kahveci, KamilA vapor compression refrigeration cycle is a closed cycle consisting of a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve and an evaporator. The performance of the cooling system is significantly dependent on the condenser. The aim of this study is to conduct heat transfer tests on the compact con-densers of built-in refrigerators and to propose improve-ment suggestions according to the test results. In the intro-duction section, information is given about the type of con-denser used in built-in refrigerators and the parameters af-fecting the heat transfer. In the material and methods sec-tion, the selected coil type condenser and the constraints on the component where it is mounted are explained. Ex-planatory information about the experimental setup to be used can also be found in this section. In the results section, the results of the experiments on the coil condenser are given. The test results in the discussion section were exam-ined and suggestions were made to increase the perfor-mance of the condenser on the refrigerator. The results show that the heat transfer capacity, which is an important parameter determining the condenser performance, and the pulldown temperature are directly related to the con-denser surface. It can also be concluded that even if the condenser thermal capacity is sufficient, the pulldown tem-perature should also be taken into account. Although the thermal capacity of the coil condenser meets the require-ments, it is observed that the pulldown temperature is not at the desired values.