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Öğe 1929 ve 2008 Krizlerinin Karşılaştırılması: Dünya ve Türkiye Örneği(2009) Apak, Sudi1929 ve 2008 krizleri ABD, Avrupa ve Türkiye’de karşılaştırıldığında önemli benzerlikler ve farklar oluşmaktadır. Her iki kriz de ABD’de başlamış, sonra Avrupa ve Türkiye gibi ülkeleri etkilemiştir. Her iki krizde önce borsadan başlayan çöküş, daha sonra reel sektörü de küçültmüştür. 1929 yılında ABD hükümeti tedbir almakta gecikmiş, kriz spekülasyonlar ile gelişmiştir. Faizler yükselmiş ve dört yıl sonra düzenlemelere gidilmiştir. Ülkelerarası işbirliği fazla gelişmemiş, ülkelerin ticaret hacimleri daralmış ve devletçilik ön plana çıkmıştır. 2008 krizine neden ise mortgage bağlı türev piyasaların denetimsizliğinden kaynaklanmıştır. Ülkelerarası işbirliği devletin düzenleyici rolü, faiz düşüşü, banka kapatmama garantileri ile çözüme gidilmiştir. 2008 sonlarında ise reel sektör tüm ülkelerde etkilenmeye başlamıştır. Türkiye’nin bu krizden etkilenmemesi kurumsal etkinlik ve makroekonomik dengelere bağlıdır.Öğe An application in human resources management for meeting differentiation and innovativeness requirements of business: talent management(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013) Gumus, Sefer; Apak, Sudi; Gumus, Hande Gulnihal; Kurban, ZuhalTalent management which is a concept that includes the process of recruitment, education, development and taking advantage properly of the people who have the key role in an organization's success has become the basic success factor of human resources management today. The organizations working in an environment that has been getting more and more difficult to attract and retain talented employees to the organization, can effectively benefit from talents that they already have in accordance with the organization's objectives with talent management strategies. Moreover, talent management makes it possible for the employees to improve themselves and this increases organizational commitment and makes them willing to stay in the organization. In this study, the concept of talent management is discussed as a new perspective in human resources management.Öğe Bankacılık sektöründe operasyonel riskin minimize edilmesi ve altı sigma uygulamaları(2009) Atay, Erhan; Apak, Sudiİşletmelerin anahtar süreçlerinin performansının arttırılmasında Altı Sigma metodolojisinin ve onun araçlarının kullanılması popüler bir biçimde kabul görmektedir. Bu ortamda bulunan ve ayakta kalmak isteyen işletmelerin oluşan bu dev pazarlardan bir pay alabilmek için yapmaları gereken; müşterilerinin isteklerini tamamıyla karşılamak, hatta onlara beklentilerinin üzerinde mal ve hizmetleri sıfır hatayla, en çabuk, kalitatif beklentilere en uygun ve en ucuz bir şekilde sunmaktır. Hem stratejik hem de taktiksel olarak süreçlerin gelişmesine odaklanarak Altı Sigma, kaliteyi arttırarak, maliyetleri minimize ederek, innovasyonu teşvik ederek, müşteri ilişkilerini derinleştirerek, kurum kültürlerini güçlendirerek, müşterilerin olağanüstü finansal başarılarını da sağlamaktadır. Son yıllarda etkin risk yönetimi finansal kuruluşların faaliyetlerini sürdürmelerini belirleyen en önemli etkenlerden birisi durumuna gelmiştir. Operasyonel risk finansal piyasalara yön veren kuruluşlarda özellikle 1990’lı yıllarda yaşanan büyük miktarlı kayıp olaylarıyla risk yönetimi gündeminin ilk sırasına yerleşmiştir. Diğer birçok riske göre de operasyonel risk, bankacılık sektörünün artan hacmi ve karmaşıklığı içerisinde zararlı yönleri olan büyük bir potansiyel olarak meydana çıkmaktadır. Basel komitesinin son önerisine göre de ticari bankaların operasyonel riske yaklaşımlarına dair ileri ölçümleri kullanmalarına izin verilmektedir.Öğe The Case for Gold Revisited: A Safe Heaven or A Hedge ?(University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012) Apak, Sudi; Akman, Vedat; Cankaya, Serkan; Sonmezer, SitkiThis paper attempts to analyze the relation among gold prices and other macroeconomic and financial variables and addresses the question whether gold is a safe haven or a hedge for investors. The study investigates the relationship by using an econometric analysis for top gold exporter and importer countries, for a sample period of 11 years from 2000 to 2011. The results are twofold (i) return of silver, USD returns and change in the volatility index influences gold returns positively whereas, Swiss Franc and Canadian Dollar returns influence gold returns negatively regardless of presence of the 2008 crisis. (ii) In times of stress, our findings indicate that Swiss Franc, Norwegian Krone and Canadian Dollar function as haven whereas, on average, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and 10 year US treasuries function as a hedge against gold but the results show no evidence for the US dollar.Öğe Comparison Of Public And Non-Public SMEs' Corporate Governance Strategies İn Turkey(ScienceDirect, 2014) Apak, Sudi; Yumuk Günay, GülsevimSmall and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are very important for economic development. If proper corporate governance strategies are implemented by SMEs, their growth opportunities are expected to increase. In order to understand the impact of proper corporate governance strategies of SMEs, public and non-public companies are compared. In this study, corporate governance scores for nine public and nine non-public SMEs are calculated. It is found that only three of the public SMEs and none of the non-public SMEs had adequate corporate governance score which is based on Capital Market Board of Turkey's corporate governance principles about stakeholders.Öğe Eurozone debt crises versus new opportunities for global internet banking collaboration and strategic alliances in the EU and Balkan countries(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Apak, Sudi; Atay, ErhanToday internet banking is an alternative delivery channel developed by using internet to offer banking services. International banking sector started to use the internet not only as an innovative payment method to increase customer convenience, but also as a way to reduce costs and enhance profits. It is observed that the retail markets have remained essentially national/local and internet banking is gaining wider public acceptance in the EU. Internet banking activities continue to increase in the EU region through the opportunities internet provides for the banking sector as well as its low cost benefits for banks. This paper examines internet banking in the context of the banking sector which has a great importance due to its big effect on the economy of the EU and Balkan countries. Debt-induced economic austerity is destroying the European banking sector which derives no benefit from the borrowed billions but must now make great sacrifices to bail out. In this study, the potential risk of the Sub-Prime banking crisis into a sovereign debt one in Euro area countries is investigated. Nevertheless, the serious threats, which concern Greece and Italy, do not permit us to exclude the occurrence of contagious sovereign debt crises in Euro area in the future. There will be economic pain if the Greeks continue with the euro and there will be economic pain if the Greeks leave the euro. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 8th International Strategic Management ConferenceÖğe Financial risk management in renewable energy sector: Comparative analysis between the European Union and Turkey(Elsevier Science Bv, 2011) Apak, Sudi; Atay, Erhan; Tuncer, GungorRenewable energy is clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies. Renewable energy sector plays a very important role in the strategic energy planning process in any country. Most renewable energy investments are spent on materials and workmanship to build and maintain the facilities, rather than on costly energy imports. In this context, renewable energy provides innovative, cost effective renewable energy risk management and insurance programmes, helping this increasingly competitive industry meet the challenges it faces. At the same time, the speed of change in renewable energy technology requires specialists able to provide expert risk advice and insurance broking services. Meanwhile, focus on the renewable energy sector has never been higher, with governments around the world setting tough targets for the amount of energy provided by renewable sources. The main aim of this paper is to examine the financial risk management instruments that are evolving to meet the needs of the renewable energy sector in both the EU and Turkey. Finally, we provide the research findings according to our objective and discuss their managerial and theoretical implications related to renewable energy investments. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility 7th International Strategic Management ConferenceÖğe Finansal kriz döneminde Türkiye'de kredi kartları(2009) Yılmaz, Güneş; Apak, SudiKredi kartları kullanım amaçları açısından incelendikten sonra geçerli olan yasal düzenlemelere değinilmektedir. Türkiye’de kredi kartlarının sektörel büyüklüğü ve krizdeki yapısı incelenmistir. Krizde yapılan düzenlemeler ile kartların tüketici üzerindeki yükü azaltılmıstır. Bankalar kredi kartı alacaklarını yapılandırırken onları çesitli finansal araçlarla varlık sirketlerine devretmekte veya yurtdısından seküritizasyon kredileri ile kaynak sağlamaktadırlar.Öğe G-20 ülkeleri ve küreselleşme(2010) Apak, Sudi; Yılmaz, GüneşDünyayı küresel olarak etkileyen krizlere karşı çözümler ülke işbirliği ile yaratılmak istenilmektedir. İktisaslaşan kurumların yanı sıra, ülkeler G-6, G-7, G-8, G-22, G-33 gruplarını oluşturmuştur. Son olarak da G-20 ile daha geniş ülke katılımı sağlanmıştır. Ekonominin yanı sıra, çevre, güvenlik, dengeli büyüme, sürdürülebilirlik ve serbest piyasa için küresel işbirliği amaçlanmıştır. Gelecekte ise küresel şartlar daha geniş katılım ile sağlanmak istenmektedir. Gelişmiş ülkelerin kendilerine sağladığı potansiyelin yanı sıra sorunları diğer ülkelere paylaşması ise yeniden yapılanmanın yönünü ve başarı olasılığını etkileyecektir.Öğe Global competitiveness in the EU through green innovation technologies and knowledge production(ScienceDirect, 2015) Apak, Sudi; Atay, ErhanIn information age,technological innovation rather than investment per se become the main source of increased productivity,the major tool of economic competition in the world market.From the public perspective ,government programs can rely on technological innovation in order to increase the quality of goods produced.However this introduces another types of market failure since the distribution of production costs is not efficient.Thus, a public firm may be a useful policy instrument,although with certain limitations. On the other hand;knowledge can be created by individual or group action.Technological knowledge accumulation is commonly accepted as a vital force of economic development. This paper presents a research related to the knowledge production processe as the basic requirements of the green innovation activities especially and the international competitiveness. Quality of products is considered as the best guarantee for longterm competitiveness of firms and countries. Innovations are much more regionally concentrated than other economic activities and they are clustered within certain sectors and locations. The main aim of the work is to draw a picture of the EU countries performances at the sector level in terms of innovative green technology , economic productivity and environmental efficiency. In addition,the paper draws a conclusion that competitiveness factors change according to type of sectors or economic structures of the EU countries. This gives us some clues; why the green innovation and technologies considered as the important stages for the companies that seek to gain international the competitiveness in global markets. Now that EU integration is entering its ultimate economic and monetary union phase, we conclude that EU policy should start to reassess the needs for a green technology policy institutional framework more directly aimed at removing the remaining European barriers to knowledge distribution. Finally,specific sector performances such as innovative, environmental, and economic, are crucial to the future competitiveness and achievement of environmental targets in the EUÖğe Global Innovation and Knowledge Management Practice in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey and the Balkans(ScienceDirect, 2014) Apak, Sudi; Atay, ErhanIn today’s changing world innovation management is becoming one of the key drivers for change and competitive advantage within industry. SMEs need to respond rapidly to these emerging changes so as to fulfill their customer needs more rapidly. The key component of a knowledge economy is a greater reliance on intellectual capabilities than on physical inputs or natural resources. We provide evidence drawn from patent data to document and upsurge in knowledge production and show that this expansion is driven by the emergence of new industries. Economic and political relations between Balkan countries and Turkey are so important that their common socio-cultural values come from their history. Therefore, Turkey and Balkans have not stepped into knowledge economy yet. In order to achieve this, they have to accomplish their economy and should not miss the importance of the knowledge economy. In this context, the Balkans has always been at a crossroads of different cultures and civilizations, where different religions and people have existed side by side. Economically, the Balkan states are relatively small entities. Balkan countries are at different levels of democratic transformation and their per capita GDPs range from less than 2000 Euro to around 7000 Euro. The purpose of this article is to investigate knowledge management practice in Turkey and the Balkans. Knowledge-based economic approach becomes the main development leverage for the global economy that a challenge for these regions is realizing the ‘new value’ of knowledge.Öğe IMF – Türkiye ilişkileri ve bankacılık sektörü(2010) Uyar, Metin; Apak, SudiÇalışmada, Uluslararası Para Fonu’nun (IMF) geçmişten günümüze kuruluş amacı, zaman içerisinde değişen rolü, küresel ekonomi için taşıdığı önem öncelikle değerlendirilmiştir. Kuruluş aşamasında temel hedefi olan üye ülkelerin ödemeler dengesi sorunlarına yardımcı olmak ile küresel ticareti ve ekonomiyi geliştirmek hedeflerine ulaşıp ulaşmadığı ülke örnekleri verilerek ele alınmıştır. IMF operasyonlarının başarıları ve başarısızlıkları, kuruluşa yapılan eleştireler bu düzlemde incelenmiştir. IMF – Türkiye ilişkilerine özel bir ilgi gösterilerek, yapılan Stand-By anlaşmaları tarihsel süreç içerisinde tahlil edilmiştir. Son olarak Ekim 2009’da İstanbul’da gerçekleştirilen IMF – Dünya Bankası Toplantıları’na değinilerek Türkiye özelinde, toplantıların ekonomiye ve bankacılık sektörüne olası etkileri vurgulanmıştır.Öğe Industrial Policy and Climate Change Management of Turkey as an EU candidate country(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013) Apak, Sudi; Atay, ErhanClimate change is predicted to have particular economic and social impacts. The environmental sustainability problem has already concerned the international organizations such as United Nations and World Bank, as well as the EU, the USA, Asian, African organizations at the regional level and the national governments. In this context, the ecologic concerns and environmental problems such as climate change go beyond the state borders, just like money and information. Industrialization is Turkey's chosen instrument for economic development. Having not completed her industrialization process yet, Turkey is neither a wealthy nor a rich country. One potential negative side of industrialization in Turkey would be the significant increase in CO2 emissions. This paper explores the implications of climate change management for industrial policy. Accordingly, it is clear that carefully balanced industrial policy can allow manufacturing and increase without significantly contributing to accelerated growth in CO2 emissions. It is very well known that the best defense against climate change is economic development. In this respect, the importance of private sector funding is emphasized and the funding needs of low-carbon economy and industrial policy are discussed. Low-carbon growth, when achieved, will be more energy-secure, cleaner, safer and more bio-diverse than its predecessors.Öğe Küresel Kriz ve Türkiye(2009) Apak, SudiKüreselleşme neticesinde dünyada serbest dolaşan paranın , oluşturulan türev piyasalara, bankala-ra ve ülkelerin ekonomileri üzerine etkileri büyüktür. Buna karşılık finansal ürünlerin denetimden önce gelişmesi ile finansal riskler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Kriz için ülkelerin kararlarda hızlı hareket edememesi ise krizin küresel boyutunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Küresel finansal krizin gelişmesi ile alınan tedbirler, 2009 başı itibariyle analiz edilmiştir. Finansal krizi önlemek için ülkelerin aldığı kararlar ve bunların ABD, AB, Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler ve Türkiye’ye olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Alınan kararların dünyadaki boyutları ve Türkiye ekonomisi için oluşması gereken yapı da sonuçlar kısmında belirtilmiştir.Öğe A look at the EU countries' carbon dioxide emissions and Turkey's sustainable industrial growth(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013) Apak, Sudi; Atay, ErhanThe relationship between energy and sustainable economic growth has always been close. Sustainable industrial growth has a strong focus on greening industry through six priority action lines, including technologies for clean production, bin-based product markets and sustainable raw material use. In this context, the environmental industry has been identified as one of the most promising areas of specialization and green technologies are at the core of the areas which should lay the foundation of the new industrial revolution in the European Union. Renewable energy, nowadays also used as alternative energy, is the new phenomenon on the way for sustainable industrial development and for an environmentally integrated energy policy. It is also the most probable way for the EU countries to meet their Kyoto targets when producing energy. Most environmental technology investment projects come from the renewable energy industry, followed by the industtial machinery industry, the electronic components industry and the turbines and engines industry. The EU is a major host of green technology projects with a share of 46% in 2011. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy use in Turkey is expected to double over the next decade, while electricity demand growth is expected to increase at an even faster pace. Meeting this level of growth will require significant industrial investment in the renewable energy sector, much of which will come from the private sector. Recently, renewable energy awareness has made great strides both in the EU and Turkey. Therefore, the import-substitution development strategy followed up to 1980 was designed to make Turkey an independent producer of manufactured goods. Meanwhile, one of the potential negative sides of industrialization in Turkey would be significant increase in CO(2)emissions. Finally, the main objective of the paper is to investigate how to allocate sustainable industrial sources to effectively meet targets of environmental protection in the EU and its candidate member Turkey.(C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.Öğe Management measures to be taken for the enterprises in difficulty during times of global crisis: An empirical study(Elsevier Science Bv, 2011) Erol, Mikail; Apak, Sudi; Atmaca, Metin; Ozturk, SecilGlobal crises affect the economic activities of countries in both macro and micro level. With the crises, accounting and financing practices gain crucial importance in enterprises. In other words, enterprises face the necessity of taking certain financing measures in order to survive the in the crisis environment. In this study, firstly the theoretical approaches concerning the financing measures to be taken by enterprises in crises are presented. The second part of the study is devoted to the survey prepared on the basis of the said theoretical framework and through which the enterprises' views on the financing measures they take during times of economic crises were asked for. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility 7th International Strategic Management ConferenceÖğe Modelling Of Consignment Process By Using Axiomatic Design(ScienceDirect, 2016) Yılmaz, Gamze Gül; Birgün, Semra; Apak, SudiEffective supply chain planning increases both competitiveness and profitability of companies. The present study re-designs consignment order management for a medical company by using axiomatic design principles. The proposed design enables a newly-hired employee to manage the structure from pickup to delivery between the supplier and the customer and effectively complete the process without any difficulty. The role of training in this process is very important. However, the study results also reveal the need for certain other activities for the development of strategic coherence and strategic planning in supply chain management.Öğe Morningstar yıldız derecelendirme sistemi ile Türk emeklilik yatırım fonlarının performanslarının değerlendirilmesi(2009) Apak, Sudi; Taşcıyan, Kamer HagopYatırım fonu endüstrisinin derecelendirilmesinde etkili bir araç olarak kullanılan Morningstar yıldız derecelendirme sistemi gerek akademik çalısmalarda gerekse de uygulamada yaygın bir sekilde kullanılmaktadır. Morningstar sirketi tarafından yaratılan bu sistem, yatırım fonlarının düzeltilmis riske göre sahip oldukları performans sonuçlarını farklı dönemlerde bes yıldız (en iyi) ile bir yıldız (en kötü) arasında sıralamaktadır. Bu çalısmada Ocak 2004-Aralık 2008 döneminde Türk emeklilik yatırım fonlarının performansları Morningstar yıldız derecelendirme sistemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmektedir. Sonuç olarak emeklilik yatırım fonlarıyla ilgili etkin bir portföy yönetiminin söz konusu olmadığı ve fonların çoğunlukla hazine bonosu ortalama getirisinden düsük bir performans sergileyerek toplamda negatif Morningstar performans sonucu elde ettikleri görülmektedir. Orta yas grubunda en iyi performansı sergileyen fon grubu Kamu Borçlanma Fonları iken, en kötü performansı sergileyen fon grubu Uluslararası-Dövize Endeksli Fonlardır.Öğe A new housing finance model for the base of the pyramid: The case of Turkey(Academic Journals, 2011) Apak, Sudi; Gunay, Suleyman GokhanThere is no solid housing finance model that will solve the shelter needs of low-income household groups who do not have adequate capital to buy houses in developing countries and work properly during an economic crisis. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to propose a new housing finance model that will function even during a financial or an economic crisis for the base of the pyramid (low-income households) in developing countries. A scenario analysis is conducted based on the current inflation and interest rates in Turkey in order to test the housing finance model. It is found in the simulations that the model works properly for low-income households in Turkey during a financial or an economic crisis.Öğe New innovative activities in renewable energy technologies and environmental policy: evidence from an EU candidate country(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Apak, Sudi; Atay, Erhan; Tuncer, GungorInnovative products, services, and business models can benefit the environment by reducing the pressure on natural resources and/or the emission of pollutants. At the same time, environmentally friendly innovation can foster economic development. It is likely that to solve an environmental problem like climate change, which is caused by emissions from virtually all economic sectors, we need innovations that can be of relevance to multiple sectors or the whole economy as well as systemic innovations requiring complementary changes rather than autonomous ones. Our goal in this article is to answer the following research questions: what are the institutional factors that facilitate the diffusion of an international management standard in the area of the renewable energy? The most desirable task of all the economies perhaps is to strive for environmentally sustainable economic growth. In this context, renewable energy will be the mainstream source of the EU's energy supply by 2050. Turkey has great potential in terms of renewable energy sources. However, public and political support is missing. The other unwanted situation is that although Turkey consumes less energy than EU countries, we have a huge population and high economic development. The management of energy demand should be strictly taken into consideration. Regarding the policy effects, the paper examines renewable energy policies of the EU and Turkey as a candidate country. Finally, the paper argues that Turkey has to make renewable energy the mainstream source of its energy system.