Design and analysis of double girder overhead crane system

Küçük Resim Yok



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Cranes, which are very useful in function, are widely used by manufacturers producing finished or semi-finished products that need to be transported in shipyards, in the aviation industry, due to the advantages of their high carrying capacity and different movement variations. Within the scope of this study, it covers the works carried out for the crane system designed for the transport of galvanized coils with a weight of at least 2 to a maximum of 6 tons, 0.20-5 mm thick, with a maximum outer diameter of coils up to 1500 mm. First of all, the elements that make up the crane system were determined and theoretical calculations were made. Then solid models were created. The design and assembly cases were created according to the situations where the designed car group and the load are located at the bridgehead and in the middle. In this way; The effects of load, carrier frame, bridge and car were investigated. The conditions of these two conditions, which were determined while carrying out these examinations, with and without the carrier frame were also examined.The results obtained as a result of 10tons applied in beams and rope were below the safety values. As a result, a work that can be manufactured has emerged as a result of the analysis applied to the crane designed for the needs.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Crane design, Deformation in crane system design, Stress in crane system design


Journal Of Radiation Research And Applied Sciences

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