Guven, BulentGursoy, Ali2015-01-262015-01-262014Beykent University Journal of Social Sciences - BUJSS Vol.7 No.1, 20141307-5063The aim of this study is to carry out an applied research on the relationship and interaction between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors and dimensions in a context of an effective literature study. The application part of the study includes the analyses and testing of the hypotheses which have been formed out of an empirical study on the workers of a textile factory in Osmancık region of the city of Çorum. The study takes advantage of the scales of organizational citizenship and organizational justice. The findings have been scanned through the sources both in Turkey and the whole world and the results have been interpreted in the light of the information gathered.enOrganizational BehaviorJusticeAltruismConscienceCourtesyA Study on the Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Dimensions and BehaviorsArticle