Kilic, NiyaziUcan, Osman N.Ozkarslı, FatihYilmaz, BulentDindar, Seckin2015-04-022015-04-022007Journal of Science and Technology 1 (2), 2007, 197-2061307-3818Despite radiography's great importance in dental treatment, they caused serious health problems when were used repeatedly with high amount of radiation. In this paper, we have presented an algorithm for image enhancement in dental image with low dosed x-ray (radiation). We aimed to get high quality images (like images with high dosed x-ray) while we have reduced the amount of radiation in Radio VisioGraphy (RVG), which were used for those patients, by use of Cellular Neural Network (CNN). When compared with input images and CNN output images, CNN outputs better clear and quality than inputs from various angle have been seen.enImage enhancementCellular neural networksRadioVisioGraphyX-rayCellular Nerural Network Approach For Enhancement Of Dental Image With Low Dosed X-RayArticle