Yücenur, G. NilayTevge, HilalYaygan, YeşimDemir, Gökçe2021-01-212021-01-212020BEU Journal of Science 9 (3), 1188-1209, 20202147-31292147-3188The aim of the research is to contribute to the literature by investigating the effects of the leadership styles of the masters on the organizational commitment of the apprentices in traditional Turkish-Islamic decoration arts. The universe is the branches of training centers in the traditional Turkish and Islamic decoration arts (Islamic calligraphy, bookbinding, tile art, miniature art, Turkish marbling art, leather and paper carving art, paper decoration art and architectural ornament art) in Istanbul. The sample consists of 281 participants in the Turkish-Islamic decoration arts in Istanbul. The data are analyzed with regression analysis. According to the results of the regression analysis, it is seen that democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire leadership styles have significant effect on organizational commitment. Another result is that democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire leadership styles have significant effect on the continuance and normative commitment of apprentices.enData miningCustomer behaviorAssociation rules miningRetail storesCustomer Behavior Analysis by Association Rules MiningArticle