Kaptanoglu, AysegulKhan, Anwar2019-04-172019-04-1720182149-4738The commissioning of health services is emphasis of primary care led national health services through primary care groups. Commissioning includes assessing need, setting priorities, allocating resources, and influencing providers, involving patients and public Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are responsible for the majority of the National Health Service (NHS) budget, controlling around £69 billion in 2015. NHS England is responsible for commissioning primary care and specialized health care services in secondary care. The aim of this study is identifying knowledge of physicians, nurses and health manager of primary and secondary health care setting about clinical health commissioning in Turkey. Family practice centers and secondary care centers were chosen randomly in Edirne province. Qualitative and quantitative method were used. The results indicate that providers believe CCGs have the potential to improve quality in primary care. There is statistically difference between health professionals and their CCGs knowledge. Physicians have higher scale points than others.enClinical Commissioning GroupsClinical Health CommissioningPrimary HealthcareSecondary HealthcareHealth ProfessionalProject on Commissioning for Secondary and Primary Health Care in TurkeyArticle