Sarica, FatmaMorgul, Avni2024-03-132024-03-1320130925-1030 logic circuits were presented as an alternative to well known binary logic. It has the potential of reducing the number of active elements and interconnection lines. More data may be transferred trough a single wire using logic signals having more than two levels. However, in spite of their potential advantages, developments in multi-valued systems are not satisfactory. In particular, it is very difficult to find circuits to implement the multilevel sequential circuits. The flip-flop is the basic building block of sequential circuits and may be used to design sequential circuits such as counter/dividers and other sequential circuits. In this regard, a new multilevel flip-flop, called the AB flip-flop, was developed and published by the authors recently (Sarica and Morgul, Electron Lett 47(5):297-298, 2011). In this paper we present a new latch and restoration circuit which improves the performance of the previously designed flip-flop circuit. It is also shown that any sequential circuit may be implemented by using this flip-flop.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessMultivalued logicSequential logicMultivalued flip-flopCurrent mode CMOS logicBasic circuits for multi-valued sequential logicArticle10.1007/s10470-012-9946-02-s2.0-84871799262961Q39174WOS:000312769900010Q4