Un, MahmutKacar, Firat2015-04-062015-04-062008Journal of Science and Technology 2 (1), 2008, 123-1301307-3818This paper presents a cascadable current-mode (CM) multifunction biquadratic filter circuit. The proposed circuit realizes all five different transfer functions employing only two inverting-type second generation current conveyors (ICCIIs), and capacitors and resistors which all are grounded. Since the output of the proposed filter exhibits high output impedance, it can be directly cascaded to obtain higher order filters without any additional buffers. Moreover, the biquad filter offers low sensitivities and its natural frequency and Q-factor are insensitive to tracking errors of ICCIIs, but gain of the filter depends on the tracking errors. Finally, the theoretical results are verified with PSPICE simulations using CMOS realization of the ICCII.enMmultifunction filtersInvertig-type second generation current conveyorCurrent-mode circuitsContinuous time filtersSensitivity analysisCurrent Mode Multifunction Biquad Filter Using Two Iccııs With Grounded Resistors and CapacitorsArticle