Eren, ErolCelik, Tuncer2024-03-132024-03-132008978-954-91818-1-4 International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection -- JUN 16-20, 2008 -- Sofia, BULGARIAThis paper will first discuss the environmental pollution that threatens the world's presence and its consequences. Then, it will concentrate oil one of the most important concequences of environmental pollution, the global warming, its antecedents and activities that result in CO2 emition. The negative effect of CO2 and greenhouse gases oil the atmosphere, oil the seas, climate changes, melting of the icebergs and the resulting scarcity, starvation, desertification will be explained. As one of the reasons of global warming, our topic will be buildings without isolation and how to reduce the CO2 released from these buildings. Especially we will present our ideas on how a good isolation would reduce heat loss in the buildings and help energy savings. Then we will good show all example of a house with good isolation 'Passive House' explain the terminology, the characteristics and being of the 'Passive House'.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessGLOBAL WARMING AND IMPORTANCE OF BUILDING ISOLATIONConference Object+277WOS:000275797200039N/A