Dil, Emre2023-03-102023-03-1020220973-1458https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-021-02200-3The interactions between spin of fermionic matter and torsion in Einstein–Cartan–Sciama–Kibble (ECSK) theory of gravity provide a repulsive gravitational potential at very dense states of fermionic matter, which prevents the formation of black hole singularities inside the deeper horizon. While the fermionic matter in the black hole is attracted by the black hole at the beginning, after a critical point it is repelled to bounce at a critical high density and then expand into other side of the horizon as a newly created space, which may be considered as a non-singular, closed universe. We constructed the action of these fermions in a black hole with torsion in the framework of ECSK theory of gravity from which the free Dirac action is inferred and the interaction potential is obtained. Also, this scenario naturally solves the flatness and horizon problems of cosmology without introducing finely tuned scalar fields, or more complicated functions of the Ricci scalar R in gravitational action.enBouncing universeSpinor fieldEinstein–Cartan field equationsBlack hole physicsInflationInteraction of Fermionic Matter and ECSK Black Hole Leading to Bouncing UniverseArticle10.1007/s12648-021-02200-32-s2.0-85116785825Q3WOS:000705816100001Q3