Tarcan, ErtugrulVarol, Ergin SaitKantarci, KemalFirlar, Talat2024-03-132024-03-1320121301-0549https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12662/4088Information technologies (ITs), which have become one of the key enablers of success in educational competitiveness, have made the understanding of user technology acceptance crucial. The failures of IT investment and implementation lead to unwanted organizational outputs. A better understanding of the contributions of the factors determining the individual's intention to use (IU) IT during the acceptance process will help to prevent probable visible and invisible losses. This research attempts to validate a new technology acceptance model (TAM) version extended with the constructs of Subjective Norm (SN) and Facilitating Conditions (FC) in the context of Kazakh Academicians. The results indicate that this variant of extended TAM will be able to facilitate managers to appropriately employ their strategic decisions on the investments and implementations of IT in educational settings while contributing to the technology acceptance research field. On the other hand, the model is open to development for a higher predictive value.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessKazakhstansubjective normfacilitating conditionsacademiciansextended technology acceptance modelA Study on Kazakh Academicians' Information Technology AcceptanceArticle23062205WOS:000307330800010Q4