Bilki, Burak., ve diger2019-03-272019-03-272018Physics Letters B 776 (2018) 355–3780370-2693 cross sections for the production of t¯tb¯band t¯tjjevents and their ratio ?t¯tb¯ b/?t¯tjjare measured using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.3fb?1collected in pp collisions at ?s=13TeVwith the CMS detector at the LHC. Events with two leptons (eor ?) and at least four reconstructed jets, including at least two identified as b quark jets, in the final state are selected. In the full phase space, the measured ratio is 0.022 ±0.003 (stat)±0.006 (syst), the cross section ?t¯tb¯ bis 4.0 ±0.6 (stat)±1.3 (syst)pband ?t¯tjjis 184 ±6 (stat)±33 (syst)pb. The measurements are compared with the standard model expectations obtained from apowhegsimulation at next-to-leading-order interfaced with pythia.enCMSPhysicsTOP QUARKMeasurements Of T¯Tcross Sections İn Association With B Jets And İnclusive Jets And Their Ratio Using Dilepton Final States İn Pp Collisions At ?S=13 TevArticle10.1016/j.physletb.2017.11.0432-s2.0-85037659942Q1WOS:000419641100048Q1