Bal, HakanSönmezer, Sıtkı2023-02-102023-02-1020222618-5946 profitability of banks is an important subject around the world, since the banking system is a vital component in any economy, thus interests many parties including investors and regulatory bodies. This study aims to shed light to the factors that affect the profitability of banks in Turkey across bank types using the annual data for the banks in Turkey between 2004 and 2017. Overall, credit riskiness, funding cost and GDP growth has a positive effect and operating cost has a negative effect on bank profitability. Higher illiquidity, funding cost and operating cost significantly positively affects profitability for large, private and foreign banks but not for state banks. Labor productivity however, while significantly positively affects profitability for foreign banks, it has a negative effect on profitability for large and private banks. The findings suggest important regulatory suggestions for the banking and finance system.enFinancial MarketsBankingProfitabilityPanel DataDeterminants of the Profitability of Banking Sector in TurkeyArticle10.31671/doujournal.10344881108694