Ongel, VolkanCelebi, Fusun2014-11-012014-11-012011Political Economy, Crisis&Development, “Effect of Neoliberal Policies on Economic Development in the Case of Asian Tigers”, İsmail Şiriner, Farhang Morady ve diğerleri (Ed.), IJOPEC Publication: London/United Kingdom, Volkan ÖNGEL, Füsun ÇELEBİ, (2011) ss. 123– 135.978-0-9568256-1-2Political Economy, Crisis & Development / Politik İktisat, Kriz ve KalkınmaIn this study it is aimed to prove if underdeveloped countries will reach desired developmental level or not, by application of neoliberalism policies. In this respect, developmental strategies and economical policies applied over Asian Tigers are assesed, and obtained results are analyzed. In conclusion, neoliberal policies will be claimed to effect developmental processes unfavourably. The reasons and resolution advisory to this negative effect will be assesed respectively. KeyWords: Economic Development, Economic Growth, Asian Tigers, industrialization, import substitution and Export Oriented StrategiesenNeoliberal PoliciesAsian TigersEffect of Neoliberal Policies on Economic Development in the Case of Asian TigersArticle