Yigit, SeldaCoban, AslıDemir, Goksel2015-04-072015-04-072009Journal of Science and Technology 3 (1), 2009, 149 - 1601307-3818Treatment of textile industry effluents is extremely difficult due to their high content of color and recalcitrant organic compounds. However, advanced oxidation is a reasonable treatment alternative for this type of wastewater. In this paper, applicability of advanced oxidation processes on textile industry effluents was discussed and it is based on five major types of advanced oxidation. These processes are Fenton-Photo Fenton, O3/H2O2, O3/UV, H2O2/UV and TiO2 photocatalysis (TiO2/UV). As a result of this literature review, Fenton - Photo Fenton process is concluded to be favorable than other advanced oxidation processes because of its efficiency and operation simplicity. Nonetheless, all of these processes are suitable for textile wastewater treatment with various advantages and disadvantages on the treatment.enFentonPhoto-fentonO3/H2O2O3/UVH2O2/UVTiO2/UVtextile wastewaterComparative Evaluation of Various Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Treatment of Textile Industry EffluentsArticle