Altindag, ErkutOrmanci, Serkan Bahadirhan2014-06-302014-06-3020131307-6205Journal of Global Strategic Management | 14 | 2013, DecemberJob satisfaction of municipal employees working in Municipalities of Kadıköy and Maltepe and customer satisfaction of the citizens who live in the district have been compared and the effects of job satisfaction factors on customer satisfaction have been studied in this research. A job satisfaction survey consisting of thirty six questions with nine sub-dimentions (pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits, conginent rewards, operating conditions, coworkers, nature of work and communication ) have been given to the employees. And a survey of customer satisfaction has been given to the citizens. A total of 572 surveys have been assessed and the acquired data have been performed factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis having been checked for their reliability in SPSS17 programme.enThe Comparison of Job Satisfaction of Municipal Employees and Customer Satisfaction as a Strategic Management Tool: An Empirical Study in IstanbulArticle