Oguztüzün S.Türk B.A.Yildirim I.2024-03-132024-03-13202097815361828429781536181555https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12662/3170Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) is an important group of the phase I enzymes family. They protect the metabolism of environmental chemicals, and their genetic variations which are associated with the risk of several forms of cancer including breast cancer. The expressions of individual CYPs were observed in different types of human breast cancers. The changes of these expressions of CYPs may enhance the development and proliferation of breast tumor cells and provoke tumor development through activation of procarcinogens or expression of CYP genes that take place in the biosynthesis of steroids, especially estrogen. Moreover, it affects the etiology of breast cancer and they may also change the response to treatment. That's why the expression of CYP has a critical role in breast cancer. Therefore, this study was carried out to compare the molecular mechanism of CYP family members on breast cancer and the distinct biological processes with each other. © 2020 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessActivityApoptosisBreast cancerCytochrome (P450)EstrogenicMolecular mechanismROSExpressions of cytochrome p450 family and molecular mechanisms in breast cancerBook Chapter2-s2.0-85144534327201N/A19175