Hacioglu, UmitDincer, HasanCelik, Ismail Erkan2014-06-272014-06-2720132147-4486International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies IJFBS Vol.2 No.2, 2013Considering the impacts of the conflict on the economic parameters in terms of macroeconomics, the following factors might affect the profitability of the company: foreign capital outflows, decrease in exports, increase in the interest rates, disruption of the investment climate, increase in the exchange rates, increase in the costs of import entry etc. Due to the expectable decrease in profit shares as to the investors, the contraction in the risk appetite will cause volatility in the prices of equity securities markets based on the impacts of the conflict, and the equity securities will depreciate. In this study, the main contributions on conflict risk and related econometric models have been discussed.enConflictRisk AnalysisEconomic ModellingFinancial SystemConflict Risk and its Implications on Economy and Financial SystemArticle