Karakuş, CemilÖzyurt, R.2023-03-092023-03-0920222073-8994https://doi.org/10.26355/eurrev_202202_28102OBJECTIVE: To determine the re lationship between choline (Cho) signal intensi ty measured before micro-dissection testicular sperm extraction (micro-TESE) and sperm re trieval rates in mTESE in non-obstructive azo ospermia (NOA) patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 20 pa tients who underwent testicular MR spectros copy were included in the study. Participants consisted of 10 patients diagnosed with NOA and 10 fertile cases with normal sperm counts. Both groups of participants underwent bilater al testis MR spectroscopy. Ten patients in the NOA group underwent mTESE after spectros copy. The signal intensities of Cho, creatine (Cr), lactate, and lipids were analyzed and com pared with the results of fertile control. Cho sig nal intensity detected before mTESE in the NOA group and sperm retrieval rates were compared. RESULTS: Sperm was found in 5 of 10 patients who underwent mTESE. No sperm was found in five NOA cases. The main metabolites detected in NOA cases with sperm in mTESE were Cho and Cr. Cho and Cr signals were found to be signifi cantly lower in NOA cases where no sperm could be found in mTESE. Cho and Cr signal intensities of the fertile group were similar to NOA patients with sperm in mTESE but were significantly high er than those with NOA without sperm. While the cut-off value of Cho was 1.24 ppm (AUC 0.665, p = 0.01 [95% CI: 0.722–1.00]) the cut-off value of Cr was 1.18 ppm (AUC 0.887, p = 0.02 [95% CI]): 0.620–1.00]) for positive sperm retrieval. CONCLUSIONS: Detection of high Cho metab olite in the spectra before TESE in NOA patients increases sperm retrieval rates in mTESEenNon-obstructive azoospermiamTESEMR spectros copyCho signalSperm retrieval rateCorrelation between high Choline metabolite signal in spectroscopy and sperm retrieval chance at micro-TESEArticle10.26355/eurrev_202202_281022-s2.0-8512580654935253167Q1WOS:000763332500011Q2