Paksoy, TuğçeUstaoğlu, GülbaharTerzi, MithatSincer, İsa2021-01-222021-01-222020Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, C10, S1, 20202149-018X There is a growing evidence that periodontal disease is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. To assess the awareness levels, views, and clinical practices of cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons in Turkey on the association of periodontal diseases with the diseases of the cardiovascular system. Material and Methods: A survey that included twenty-three questions was prepared and mailed to 99 cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons practicing as resident, lecturer or specialist in Turkey. The response rate is 66%. Data was analyzed using SPSS® 18.0 software (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Results: Of the respondents; 80% were males, 98% were at the age of ? 50 years, 59% have been working in a university, and 37% were specialists. Fifty-three percent of lecturer and 38% of specialist received a periodontal treatment more than two years time ago. Fourteen percent of resident, 30% of specialist and 53% of lecturer referred patients to visit the dentist. Eightyeight percent of the residents and lecturers agreed or strongly agreed with the opinion that periodontal disease treatment could lower the risk of an individual to develop a type of cardiovascular disease. Conclusion: Cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons had a lack of knowledge of the periodontal disease and its impact on systemic health. Programs on oral health in academic curricula of cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons should be improved to leverage the level of awareness and knowledge on periodontal diseases.enCardiologistsCardiovasvular surgeonscardiovascular diseasePeriodontal diseasesOral health.Cardiologists’ And Cardiovascular Surgeons’ Awareness, Opinions And Practice Behaviors Relating To The Association Between Periodontal Disease And Cardiovascular DiseaseKardiyologların e Kardiyovasküler Cerrahların Periodontal Hastalık ve Kardiyovasküler Hastalık Arasındaki İlişkisi İle İlgili Farkındalık, Görüş ve Uygulama DavranışlarıArticle10.17567/ataunidfd.631762374168