Alkan, Fatma AteşMavili, Zehra SedaDokuzeylül, BanuYaramış, Çağla Parkanİkiz, SerkanSaka, Sinem ÜlgenOr, Mehmet Erman2021-12-252021-12-252021Kocatepe Vet J. (2021) 14(2):187-1921308-9552 fever (Q fever) which is caused by Coxiella burnetii is a continuing problem as a zoonotic disease in the world. In ruminants, infections are mostly asymptomatic however, abortions and stillbirths may occur during late pregnancy. Trace elements are important for the reproductive performance of ruminants and all have roles in immune function. However, serum trace element levels of Coxiella seropositive infertile and healthy dairy cows have not been investigated yet. The present was aimed to evaluate the trace element status of cattle associated with Coxiella burnetii. For this purpose, 200 dairy cattle with and without clinical problems (infertility, metritis and abortion) were compared. Q fever infection was confirmed with ELISA. Levels of trace elements of samples were analysed utilizing inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrophotometer. Serum levels of trace elements of the samples were expressed as ?g/mL. In total, 20 of 200 sera were diagnosed to be positive by ELISA. Nine of 20 sera were positive from asymptomatic cattle. Seven of 11 sera were positive from cattle with infertility, while 4 of 11 sera were positive from cattle with abortion. No significant differences were found between trace element levels of ELISA seropositive cattle and asymptomatic seropositive cattle. In conclusion, although statistical analysis of serum trace elements is no significant, our findings clearly show that analysis of trace element levels in cattle may be useful predictors in early treatment and prognosis. Further studies are required to clarify the connection between Coxiella seropositivity, trace elements and clinical symptoms in cattle.enCattleELISATrace ElementsQ FeverInvestigation of the Relationship Between Q-Fever Seropositivity and Trace Element Levels in Dairy CattleSütçü Sığırlarda Q hummasının Seropozitifliği ve Eser Elementler Arasındaki İlişkinin AraştırılmasıArticle10.30607/kvj.832540450095