Ergun, Bestami RecepCanbolat, Huseyin2015-04-012015-04-012007Journal of Science and Technology 1 (1), 2007, 72-871307-3818Mostly, electronic circuit designers need to check the operation of their design on an actual circuit. Conventionally, serigraphy or photo-etching techniques are used for this purpose. Both methods require long time and the use of chemicals. In this work, a computer controlled mechanical system is designed to chip the unwanted copper just around the conduction paths. Simply, the system separates the conduction paths from the extra copper surface on the board. The system requires only a raw PCB. The software developed for the system sends the circuit diagram to the mechanical part to create the conduction paths on the raw PCB. The system is designed as a prototype and tested for some sample circuits. The results are satisfactory for the beginning. However, the accuracy of the system should be improved for better results.enPrinted circuit board (PCB)edge detectionelectromechanical systemcutterstep motorDesign Of A Computer Controlled PCB Prototype Production SystemArticle