Sen, Asim2015-03-132015-03-132008Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Journal of Social Sciences 2(2), 2008, 34-671307-5063The objective of this study is an attempt to develop leadership core strategies for solving some of the current local and global economical, political, social and educational problems by dealing with Atatürk’s leadership core strategies. The leadership core strategies dealt with in this paper include strategy of gaining and defending freedom and independence. However, the strategies of democratizing political activities, developing independent economy (quality life), equality (equal opportunities) and educating people are necessary and crucial for maintaining a stable continuity of freedom and independence. Therefore, these strategies together constitute the leadership core strategies. This essay explores the nature, policies and techniques of these strategies and presents some useful morals for the contemporary and prospective leadersenLeadershipAtaturkstrategymanagementfreedom and independenceLeadership Core Strategies For 21st Century: Lessons From AtatürkArticle