Sari, SelahattinUslu, KamilSozen, Ilyas2014-07-072014-07-072008978-9967-25-140-3Proceeding of the International Congress Integration and Economic Development In Transition Economics on the Occasion of the 70th anniversary of Prof. Dr. Turar KOYCHUEV ss. 451-456; Selahattin Sarı, Kamil Uslu, İlyas SözenThe reconstruction of Central Asian Economies require a high level of foreign direct investment. The laws and regulations in general have been rearranged in accordance with western standards. However, they could not ensure enough investment. Meanwhile, a high degree of corruption is observed in the region according to the international researches. The lack of implementation of regulation and the widespread corruption are considered to be the main sources of the problem. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the level of corruption in Central Asian Economies, their estimated effects on the Foreign Direct Investment and firms' expectations for the future.trYolsuzluğun Merkezi Asya’da Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlara EtkisiOther