Erzengin, EsraZehir, CemalZehir, SongülZehir, Songül2019-07-192019-07-1920172357-1330 study is a content analysis which focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) theses in Turkey. The main question of the research is “Are there any parallels between the scientific literature in Turkey and the rest of the world in terms of CSR studies?”. In order to answer the research question, the study tries to determine the content of the scientific thesis studies (such as research fields studying CSR, samples and methods used in researches, study subjects etc.) with a focus on future studies and possible methods. The research includes post graduate theses on CSR between 2007 and 2016. There are 128 post graduate theses focused on CSR between 2007 and 2016 in Turkey. Research includes theses in Turkish and open for access. In this context, 92 scientific thesis studies (13 doctorate and 79 master’s degree) are analysed. The study makes a comparison between Turkey and the rest of the world in terms of scientific literature on CSR and provides suggestions for future research.enCorporate Social ResponsibilityContent AnalysisTurkeyTHESES IN CSR; WHAT THEY SAY AND HOW THEY SAY IT?Article10.15405/epsbs.2017.12.02.37WOS:000426866600037N/A