Sozen, IlyasSari, SelahattinCelik, Ahmet Alkan2014-06-282014-06-2820111537-1506Chinese Business Review, September 2011, Vol. 10, No. 9, 693-700The aim of this study is to examine the progress of economic freedom and corruption during the period between two global economic crises in those Central Asian Republics which have been integrated into the free market economy according to “the Washington Consensus” since the late 1990s. With respect to the exportation of natural resources, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan together with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan all seem to have entirely different economic structures. In this paper, the majority of macro-economic variables, economic freedom indicators and corruption data covering the period of 2001-2008 will be discussed. In the light of the outcomes of this study, it is observed that while the social structure in those countries exporting natural resources is stronger, bureaucratic corruption increases consistently in all of the countries due to the authoritarian structures (of the countries concerned). As Central Asian Republics are in a state of failed transition into market economy, the betterment in legislation does not debug the so-called “limbo” system, which refers to neither a planned economy nor a free market one.enWashington consensusCentral Asian economyinstitutional economicseconomics freedomcorruptionCorruption and Economic Freedom in Central Asian Republics (2001-2008)Article