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Öğe A Case Study on Mobile-Blended Collaborative Learning in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Context(ATHABASCA UNIV PRESS, 2017) Avcı, Hülya; Adıgüzel, TufanAs learning a foreign language poses a number of challenges for the students, it has become indispensable to search for “optimal” conditions to enhance opportunities of engaging in the target language. Within this context, the Mobile-Blended Collaborative Learning model has been integrated in and out of the classroom learning in order to enable language learners to practice English by means of collaborative, authentic language activities based on project-based learning approach. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of using mobile instant messaging application, WhatsApp on the language proficiency of EFL students. Participants (N = 85) were enrolled in five upperintermediate prep classes at a foundation university in Istanbul and took part in a seven-week Project Work. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions, self- and peer evaluations of group work, a rubric for assessing project work, and log files of WhatsApp conversations. Results revealed practicing English in an authentic setting where the students used the target language for a real purpose facilitated their language learning, improved their communication skills and vocabulary knowledge, and made them recognize colloquial English. Additionally, instant messaging in an informal platform for educational purposes had positive effects on their performance and the quality of their work.Öğe Branching Out İdeas: Concept Maps Effect on Memory and L2 Writing(RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018) Charles Schwartz, Thomas; Matthew Angelakis, GeorgiaThe purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum to teach visual concept mapping and improve student attitudes on writing and the quality of their examination essays. We used visual word and image connections to improve the working memory and language aptitude students and gathered a small amount of data. The study took place during the summer module of an English preparatory program and was voluntary. We developed the workshop and the methodology for students who were continuing the English preparatory program into summer school. We gave surveys and personal interviews to students and workshop instructors after the workshops to ascertain students' attitude and knowledge of the material as well as the effectiveness of the program. Research partners took notes and recordings of the workshops. End of course writing exams were referenced for quantitative data but was limited due to the workshops being voluntary. The workshops were peripheral to the course module and aimed to be as casual and accommodating to student’s heavy workload as possible while targeting specific tasks that they were responsible for in the course and final examination. Further research is needed but the limited data suggests a correlation between student’s inclusion of mind mapping techniques and their ability to complete the demands of the final exam writing rubric.